Saturday, November 14, 2020

Our CC Day

We are rounding out CC with only one more week until we break till the New Year.

This week Clairana decided to practice the tin whistle and play Joy to the World and O Christmas Tree for her presentation - it was also pajama day!

We have finished off our bodies with the faces! We will put them together this week and bring them home. I can't wait to see them all together. 

Bella decided when I wasn't looking to draw a mustache on her face to make everyone laugh. Ukk. 

Our class was smaller this week. 

I taught them about the Washington Monument and perspective drawing. 

Nephi presenting in his class about his Lego invention. 

Clairana is learning to write keyword outlines from pictures. 
This week part of the in class assignment was to draw three pictures in a few minutes and then let someone else in the class write a story from your pictures. 
Clairana drew these and it just made my heart so happy. 


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