Monday, September 28, 2020

Visiting Mama Bon

We got to visit Mama Bon during our trip to Pennsylvania which ended up being precious timing her twin sister who had lived with her passed away the day after we left. 
Levi and I met Bonnie while we were in Washington. 
She was my visiting teacher which is a woman who is assigned to another woman in the church to just check in on once a month to make sure everything is okay or let leaders know if she needs anything.
She has become such a part of our family. 
She came to Nephi's baptism and is Clairana's forever pen pal.

It also was so sweet that she got a new puppy!! Itsy Bitsy. Oh my she is perfect.   

Cooking with Mama Bon. She always sends Clairana recipes with her letters. 

We took our roller blades with us on vacation and got to roller blade around Bonnie's neighborhood with her other dog River.

Sleepover Fun! 


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