Wednesday, September 30, 2020

CC Week

Nephi's Class

Singing to Coraline for her birthday and she gets to lead the pledges. 

Teaching Tin Whistle. 

Tin Whistle Lessons - Homeschooling Life. 
Bella pulling weeds. 


Monday, September 28, 2020

Visiting Mama Bon

We got to visit Mama Bon during our trip to Pennsylvania which ended up being precious timing her twin sister who had lived with her passed away the day after we left. 
Levi and I met Bonnie while we were in Washington. 
She was my visiting teacher which is a woman who is assigned to another woman in the church to just check in on once a month to make sure everything is okay or let leaders know if she needs anything.
She has become such a part of our family. 
She came to Nephi's baptism and is Clairana's forever pen pal.

It also was so sweet that she got a new puppy!! Itsy Bitsy. Oh my she is perfect.   

Cooking with Mama Bon. She always sends Clairana recipes with her letters. 

We took our roller blades with us on vacation and got to roller blade around Bonnie's neighborhood with her other dog River.

Sleepover Fun! 


Thursday, September 24, 2020

New Ride!

 Clairana and Nephi got to go over for a day date at Mamaw and Papaw's house.

They ended up getting an old moped up and running. It has been all the excitement in the house. 

It was so fun to watch them learn how to ride and not be the one to teach. 

I was nervous but once I rode it myself I felt better and it is really fun. 

Coraline's Birthday Day

For Coraline's birthday we got up early to have her unwrap her presents from us and then we loaded up for the day. 
First stop was breakfast - we never go to Bob Evans but my girlfriend says they enjoy going so we thought we would try it out. It was great and ended with a wonderful surprise. 

A couple ended up buying our breakfast and told the waitress she was happy to see a large family with such well behaved children. Levi and I were amazed that someone would treat us! Yippee! 
Levi said he thought they were giving us strange looks because I was reading a book to the kids while we waited for food and when we blessed our food. HaHa.

Then we headed off to do our annual Wabash Water Sampling. 
We get a list of spots to go around town and check the water. We check for temperature, nitrate, nitrite, clarity, E.coli, phosphate and take a water sample back for the lab. We also give a description of the location and water level. 

Cecily was overly excited about Levi's straw skills.

Coraline and Nephi

Bella and Levi

Clairana did almost all the data entry this time which was a huge help. 

After water sampling we ended up at home while Levi worked for a few hours then we met him at Hu Hot for a late lunch (two restaurants in one day!!) You have a buffet line of raw vegetables and meats and they cook in front of you on a huge griddle. 
It was a little strange due to Covid we had masks and gloves and couldn't all go through together but it was very entertaining. I LOVED that it was full of great healthy choices for everyone. 

Then we headed to a cousin's birthday party (Elliot) at a indoor park that we had never been to. 
They rented it out and paid for us to play - which was really nice. 
We will go back again, I may even sneak us over there on a weekday when they first open to see how busy it is. It would be a great place to rotate homeschooling and play. 

Levi & Dustin

Little People Zone. 

Rooster from Grandpa Rick

Cat Lover PJs and Book from Bell Family

Surprise Drop In!
This is Coraline's Primary teachers who are amazing. 
They have written her every week since March when the kids stopped going to Primary. 
Brother and Sister Allen. 
Sister Allen used to be Levi's Primary teacher when he was little. 

Sister Allen made her a cake. How darling is this cake?! 

It was a LONG but SUPER FUN day. 
We got Coraline a new Calico Critter house so that was a hit the rest of the evening. 
She also got lots of girlie things - headbands, new bristle brush, sparkle lava lamp, winter dress boots.




It was rather chilly this past week,  I ended up taking the three little girls later so they wouldn't have to sit outside while Clairana and Nephi practiced. 

Nephi playing goalie.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Coraline Lee Evans
Our first hospital/midwife natural birth although we were not in the room long before she arrived. 
She was born in Indiana. The hospital is within minutes of our house now. 
Its a toss up between her and Nephi's birth of which was the scariest. 
Her birth included a retracted placenta and my mom who got to come in and help with all the drama after she arrived.

Besties. They play the best and fight the best. 

Grandma with the little girls!

Catch - Nephi, Papaw, & Pappy

Mermaid Cake - She got to go to the store to pick out a cake which she was very excited about especially because they never go in stores anymore. 

Coraline is SIX!
We had a little party at our house with grandparents, one set of friends, and one set of cousins.

Coraline's famous nickname is Blue Eyes
Favorite Color - Pink
Favorite Food - Chicken Enchiladas
Favorite Toy - Calico Critters 
Favorite Animal - Cat
What she wants to be when she grows up - Nurse & Artist
Favorite Show - Dr. Pol
Favorite thing to do - Play with Cats & Draw
Favorite Subject - Math
She is in Kindergarten and learning to read, structured handwriting, and skip counting.

She is our snuggler and still likes to sneak into our bed.  


Mamaw and Papaw got her a nurse outfit which she now wears everyday. 

Smith family came to visit! Jag & Nephi

Uncle Dustin with Elliot and Cecily

Jag & Cecily

Pictures before bedtime because I had the camera out.....

Reni (Levi's stepmom sent me these pictures)
Birthday girl selfie - Reni's birthday was also on Coraline's party day. She turned 60 when Coraline was born.

Pappy (Levi's dad) with Coraline

New Outfit from Mamaw and Papaw