Friday, May 29, 2020

New Slide/Candling/Fermenting

Over the holiday weekend, Levi had to work but he did have his intern sit on the job-site on Saturday morning for a couple hours so we could do some farm chores around here. 
After the little chores I needed him to help me with were done we got the tractor out and hung up this slide. We had been looking for a way to make a slide but with the length it was going to be super expensive like $1200 from the store... 
It is AMAZING and we are working on making it a little safer at the top before friends come over  and moving the fire pit now but until then we all have been playing on it. 

Projects are SO much easier with a tractor. 

Avocado and Potty Training Life 

Nephi has been interested in my fermenting hobbies lately so he kept asking to hold the scoby when we did another batch of kombucha this week. 

Rhubread - it was really good. Nuts and Rhubarb.

These two have become best buds. They wrestle and laugh all the time which just cracks me up. 

 I was thinking about buying large potatoe bags for them to slide in. 

We candled our eggs! AMAZING! It was SO neat we saw four little embryos. We will do it again in about a week. 

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