Friday, May 29, 2020

Triplets - Goats

Last year, Spring was still a pretty rough time to have farm babies so I decided to wait longer this year to breed our goats. It worked out perfectly. The weather was beautiful and it means we have to worry less and do less work when little ones come. Also, with the pandemic lately we needed a surprise blessing to give us a distraction from the outside world.

Calcium (mama goat) is well known as my favorite one on the farm. Levi got her and Rue for my Christmas present six years ago. I was nervous about her this year so I was giving her extra minerals and vitamins and she just seemed to be having a harder time being pregnant. 
I thought maybe she was getting too old and maybe I should not breed her again. 
I told Levi if she has a doeling, I am keeping her this year just in case it is her last. 



We have never had triplets on the farm and she has actually ONLY had singletons so after all these years for her to have triplets was a shock. She always has one buckling and he is always big. 
She actually ended up with one buckling and two does. 
Clairana saw the twins be born and ran to tell me and by the time I got there Nephi saw the third. 
We were all in shock. 

Rue is due on Clairana's birthday (she has had twins previously) so we will see how many littles we end up with this year! 

Birth is so awesome. 

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