Sunday, June 7, 2020

Clairana is 10!

 Happy Birthday Clairana!

You are such a sweet spirit to our house. I cannot believe that you are 10 - crazy how fast time goes.

I love that I have homeschooled you and our relationship has grown so strong over the years.

This year she requested to go on a kayaking date and to go meet our new milking alpine goat that we will pick up in the next couple weeks.

She requested french toast and bacon for breakfast, Jimmy Johns for lunch, and sushi for dinner. We also had icecream sundays and donuts.

I let all the kids pick out presents from Clairana's list and order them on the computer due to us not going to the store.

Levi took the day off on Friday as well which was such an additional treat to all of us. Even though we did stop by the restaurant for a little while before lunch for him to direct staff.

I put together lots of videos from friends and family saying Happy Birthday which was such a special extra - some played music, some wore hats, one had an animal sing along, and one even baked a cake with candles to blow out for her. Super Sweet.

Nephi changed the sign and all the kids wrapped their own presents for her. 

Nephi got her a watch - he was so excited for her to open it as soon as she woke up. 

Coraline watching Clairana open her present - she got her a swing they can hang from the ceiling in their new room.
It is macrame. She also wanted to get her a fancy hairbrush. 

Bella got her Opal earrings

The Riedel family was so sweet to allow us to stop by their farm during this crazy time and Lynn even put a bow on 'Starburst' as a surprise. She is a mother to 11 children and we have gotten to know their family through 4 H. She is the president of our 4 H club - Sunshiners.

I bought this special candle from Target a few months ago online and it was a huge hit. You light the middle and it breaks open into a flower and lights all the other candles and sings Happy Birthday.
I am sure I am now indebted to order four more.  

Although we couldn't figure out how to get it to stop singing. 

She decided at the last minute to invite Nephi to come along on her kayaking date. 

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