Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Cecily Edithe is ONE!

Our tiniest one turned ONE!

Cecily Edithe Evans
She is coming into her own personality now which is so fun.
Still Nursing 
Attempting to Sleep Train
She crawls like a crab
Not walking yet but pushing the walker
Hasn't fully transitioned to food yet - she has a strong gag reflex. 
Loves drinking from a straw.
The kids are all still overly smitten by her. 
Moved her crib out of our room, she sleeps in Cabella and Coraline's room 
(massive girl room coming soon)
She says DaDa
She is a mama's girl. 
Nicknames: Cess (mostly from Cora) Edithe and Hazel (from Levi) Tiny One 
Bella calls her Cecily Edithe Evans all the time. 

Her eyes are hazel and we will see if they change to brown.....

Nephi is the most protective of her.
 Coraline is the most fun or crazy with her. 

We will head to Chicago this weekend to celebrate. 

Clairana wanted to make her a cake and then everyone wanted to add the icing. 

Clairana made her a sign. 

Grandpa Rick stopped by with a BIG present! 

Getting the icing ready. 

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