Friday, October 25, 2019

Teething Baby & Books

Cecily has been having a rough few days - normally I barely notice when I have a teething little person but she has been having a hard time and spiking a fever. From what I can tell she has now gotten her back molars and eye teeth. So.... we have been reading and snuggling around here. 

Such a great book - very easy read but sweet.
I am going to have Clairana read it maybe next year.
It is about a girl who has a hard life and manages through for the most part all alone. Such a good book to draw empathy for others and show us all how life can be harder than we really understand. 

Adjusting to wearing hats now! 

Another short and sweet book about a girl who is homeless and comes to find herself in this world. In medieval England. Nameless. Homeless. Wants a place in the world, contented heart and a full belly.

Toothbrush Time! She has been carrying this around for a few days now. Must feel good. 

She fell asleep like this yesterday afternoon so this is how I sat....I was not about to move she has not napped in days.....

Another book in the background Mathematician's Lament by Paul Lockhart.


Eye Opener.
Showing how math is an art and how we should look at teaching and studying it on a completely different level to bring excitement and mystery to all of us.

If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. 

-Antoine De Saint Exupery 

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