Tuesday, May 7, 2019

General Conference Weekend!

Everyone's Special Treat they Picked Out.
Sugary Cereal and Ice Cream
Twice a year we have General Conference (April and October) when we stay home from church and get to listen to amazing leaders and speakers of the church on the television. 

We listen to talks most of the day Saturday and Sunday. Which calls for fun in between and everyone gets to pick their own treat (to share) at the store. 

Most of the talks were related to making our home holy and teaching our children the gospel not only on Sundays but also during the week. 

Defending our Home. Lifting Others Up Around Us. Keeping the Sabbath day Holy. 
World Needing Women who Walk in Faith. Being Righteous. Missionary Work. Service to All. 

Last session the leaders of the church announced that we will no longer attend church for three hours on Sunday but two. The additional hour will be used to teach the gospel at home with our children. We now have Come Follow Me manuals that are a great resource for teaching the New Testament broken down by weeks for the year. 

Of course, I LOVED this because I already do a daily devotional with the kids and this way I can make sure they are prepared with the topics that are discussed in Primary on Sunday.

Fun in between sessions!

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