Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Zita the Spacegirl Book Club

Zita the Spacegirl Book Club! 
This book was a graphic novel which was a little different than the regular books we choose for book club but I must say it sparked GREAT interested in our house. Now we have ventured on to several other graphic novels. 

The kids made their own comics as the activity. This bookclub was planned right after we got back from the homeschooling conference so my hosting skills were pretty low key. 

Lunch Time with Cecily

Most of our time lately has been spent cleaning up a couple trees that have fallen during storms but today we ended up getting out for a homeschooling group playdate. 
Then while I was making lunch Cecily was entertaining Levi. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Later post but I had to make it in the history blog books! We had such a fun year finding mushrooms! It was the first year I had really gotten into it and had to brag to the boys in my family. 

Bee Date - Clairana and Levi

Levi took Clairana to a bee keeping class at Purdue University. She was the youngest one by far and even Levi thought he was the youngest adult. They felt lots of love from everyone and they let her get as involved as she wanted and were so nice to answer her questions.
How Fun!
What a blessing to live so close to Purdue and get to experience their research for free!
Can I cross my fingers and wish for a Boilermaker?....

This tool is what they use to see how fast bees are able to fly.

Tools to impregnate the bees 

Old Smokers

Checking out Purdue University's bee hives

I mean how cute! We don't have a suit to fit her just yet so she had to wear mine. It worked!

I LOVE that she is not afraid. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

White Water Valley Railroad Trip!

Today Levi took the day off work and we went on a train adventure.
We spent the day traveling to White Water Valley Railroad in Connersville, Indiana and took a train ride for 75 mins to a little town called Metamora. 
We ended up walking through old little shops, eating at a bed and breakfast, and ending our trip with ice cream. 
The train ride was very pretty and went over several bridges we saw a bald eagle on the White Water River. 
They also had two draft horses that were pulling a boat down the canal. 
It was a toasty day but everyone seems to have a great time even though we were all very sweaty and tired by the time we got home.  

Now off to put little people to bed and enjoy the long weekend! 

Waiting on the Train!

This was the first time Levi tried out the new camera and the people on the train may have been annoyed with the paparazzi.

FIRST TIME in a highchair!!