Thursday, January 24, 2019

Christmas Catch Up!

Still catching up from the holidays! 

Cecily Edithe

Christmas PJ Party! 

Elfy said Goodbye!

Cookie and Milk left overs from Santa! And because I love how scared my husband is of spiders so I added this one to our collection for the year. Tricks Always. 

Stocking were filled with special treats they don't often get at the store - Goldfish crackers, Cliff bars, Chips etc.

Traditions Continue - Hot Tub Time on Christmas! 

They don't get to enjoy the hot tub very often so it is always a special time. 

Coraline aka Blue Eyes

Clairana - growing up into a little lady so quickly.

The girls loved it! Where is Nephi!?
He decided to play on the zipline and entertain everyone while we were outside. 

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