Saturday, January 12, 2019

Back to Homeschooling!

First week back to Classical Conversations! 
With our FIVE little people! 

It was SO nice to have a winter break and enjoy adjusting to Cecily. 
We were all ready to see our friends and catch up! Including Me! 

It was a great day and amazingly enough pretty smooth with everyone. 
I attempted to rotate around but ended up in Nephi's class for the most part because his tutor didn't have any other moms in her class and we try not to leave the tutor alone. 

Clairana's class learning about rotation and the solar system. 

Coraline & Cabella' class during snack time!

Art Lesson - Giotto

Giotto painted with eye yokes and berries/chalk/leaves

Nephi and his buddy Jeremy

Nephi's Class

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