Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Warrior Dash 2017

For Father's Day last year, I bought Levi and I tickets to the Warrior's Dash in Indiana. 
I knew our non budget days would be ending and it would be a fun uplifting date when we got home.
We had a BLAST. 
Although it was actually hard and I don't know how some people have pictures of not being disgustingly covered in mud. My dad, Troy, came out to support us which was really fun.  

It was lots of running through the woods, mud, deep water, military style crawls under barbwire, rings, nets, swimming, climbing and pivoting....and the list goes on. 
We were SORE. We will do it again next year!  

I busted my legs on the rings (I completely dropped) which put me face first in more mud... but they let me finish with a spray of peroxide. 

I am in the middle and Levi is on my right with the red hat
Mud Crawl under Barbwire

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