Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Cabella Hip Check-up

We had our first official follow-up appointment at Riley's Children's Hospital on Friday. 
Cabella Lou has HEALTHY HIPS! 

She will be monitored closely for the next few years but they looked good. 
Praise the Lord. 

Levi was able to go with us and we now have an amazing children's hospital within an hour of our house. 

Waiting on the Doctor.....
Look at those beautiful hips!
Temple Selfie in Indianapolis - The more we have the harder it gets....to take a selfie that is.
Also, Clairana got poison ivy all over her face earlier in the week, so I ended up taking her to the doctor right before Cabella's appointment for steroids. 
After our appointment, we went and walked around the LDS temple in Indianapolis. 

Clairana read her first full chapter book and got a Polaroid camera for her goal.
Clairana in front of the temple in Indianapolis.

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