Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Connor Prairie FIELD TRIP!

I just LOVE how the Indiana community is really starting to address HOMESCHOOLERS. 
We are starting to have specific days at special events which is great.
I got our whole crew in to this event for only a few bucks compared to the normal $17/person. 
Homeschool Day for the WIN!

We took Grandma Brigham with us too! 
We stayed all day and didn't see it all but shhh don't tell anyone.

Loom Room - Clairana was in LOVE.

One Room Schoolhouse 

Store Room

Black Smith House - Clairana asks - Where are your safety glasses?

4 Story Tree House

We could have hung out with this lady all day. Pottery!


Civil War - He taught them how to walk, shoot, reload, stab if your gun jams, and charge.
They of course loved it. Nephi especially even though he was pretty intimidated at first. 

We ended with Apple Treats!

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