Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Days of the Week By: Mother Goose Rhythm - Memorization Videos

Here’s the rhyme.
Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is ever so sweet,
Thursday’s child is tidy and neat
Friday’s child is prone to a giggle,
Saturday’s child is easy to tickle,
But the Child that is born on Restful Sunday, 
Is happy and cheerful and loves to play.

Warrior Dash 2017

For Father's Day last year, I bought Levi and I tickets to the Warrior's Dash in Indiana. 
I knew our non budget days would be ending and it would be a fun uplifting date when we got home.
We had a BLAST. 
Although it was actually hard and I don't know how some people have pictures of not being disgustingly covered in mud. My dad, Troy, came out to support us which was really fun.  

It was lots of running through the woods, mud, deep water, military style crawls under barbwire, rings, nets, swimming, climbing and pivoting....and the list goes on. 
We were SORE. We will do it again next year!  

I busted my legs on the rings (I completely dropped) which put me face first in more mud... but they let me finish with a spray of peroxide. 

I am in the middle and Levi is on my right with the red hat
Mud Crawl under Barbwire

Monday, September 18, 2017


 This little lady is THREE! Happy Birthday Coraline Lee!

Nicknames: Beastie, Coraliiinnnaaa, Blue Eyes, Blondie
Favorite Food - Milk or Kefir
Loves to Keep up with Clairana and Nephi
Loves our goat Echo and to Chase Chickens
Best Friends with Zona (our Jack Russell)
Favorite Color - Purple
Mama's Girl
Twirls her hair when she is tired
Does NOT like Brushing her teeth
Loudest Little One So Far.....

We had a small Ice Cream Bar Party to Celebrate.
Tiny One....
1st Birthday - Indiana
2nd Birthday - AZ

Cousin Ensley!

Bella Lou loved having Ice Cream!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Homeschooling in the Cemetery

Last week, I took the kids to see my grandparents (they always ask to go) and we took our books and stayed to do our homeschooling. 
Stanley and Gertrude Wallace
They never met my grandpa but they did meet Gertrude whom they called Oma. 
Also, my mom's baby sister Charlotte is buried with them. 
We picked out pumpkins at the store to add a little happiness to the visit. 

Purduettes - Ms. Madi

My cousin, Madi, did a performance on Slater Hill this past Sunday
and it was a full family affair! 
Founded in 1942, the original Purduettes heartily fulfilled previously-booked appearances of the Purdue Varsity Glee Club when the onset of World War II depleted the Glee Club’s roster. Since then, the Purduettes have continued performing for community, university, corporate, business, private, government, alumni, arts and school events throughout Indiana, the United States, Canada, Europe, and Central America.
Maintaining a high level of academic achievement, the women of the Purduettes pursue excellence on and off the stage, employing a leadership honorary and a mentor program to help further the development and lives of each individual, while involving Purdue alumnae and community leaders through the outreach efforts of the program.

Cousin Madi with Clairana and Nephi

Aunt Angie, Cousin Abbi, Cousin Ensley with Nephi and C

During one song they ran out to the audience for a serenade - My brother Nick.

Connor Prairie FIELD TRIP!

I just LOVE how the Indiana community is really starting to address HOMESCHOOLERS. 
We are starting to have specific days at special events which is great.
I got our whole crew in to this event for only a few bucks compared to the normal $17/person. 
Homeschool Day for the WIN!

We took Grandma Brigham with us too! 
We stayed all day and didn't see it all but shhh don't tell anyone.

Loom Room - Clairana was in LOVE.

One Room Schoolhouse 

Store Room

Black Smith House - Clairana asks - Where are your safety glasses?

4 Story Tree House

We could have hung out with this lady all day. Pottery!


Civil War - He taught them how to walk, shoot, reload, stab if your gun jams, and charge.
They of course loved it. Nephi especially even though he was pretty intimidated at first. 

We ended with Apple Treats!