Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Spring Break....Sorta

It is Spring Break here - meaning we have LOTS of crazy half naked Spring Breakers running around and we get to have lots of fun with all our school friends. 
We are on light homeschooling this week but I never really take full time off mostly because its hard to get back to routine and they know no different.

Levi has been working crazy hours as usual but the weather is amazing here and we have been playing all day. 

FREE Cheeseburgers at In and Out for doing the Reading Club at the Library

Bella Lou and Mama - I got this necklace as a gift from my SIL and it is amazing - its a baby necklace and Bella loves it.

We got FREE ice-cream at Dairy Queen!

Lake Day with Friends

This place is definitively a pretty one in the Spring!

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Young Women - Service

 Young Women Service Project - Moving Watermelons and Potatoes from a Purdue Farm.  Somehow Jody and I got the potatoes.... some were rough ...