Tuesday, March 14, 2017


I started going to a book club about six months ago, at first I thought I have no time to eat fancy cut up sandwiches and read books....
at least books that don't pertain to 
homeschooling, parenting advice, being the best spouse, or a healthy gut.

I was wrong. 
I really wanted the kids to see me enjoy myself with a book. Take a break. Stop Moving.
Not see me on my phone even if I was reading an article - they didn't know. Or cleaning or preparing more food. It has been really good for me. 
I don't get to pick the books each month because we do a rotation but the first one I did pick was about Lincoln because I figured if I was going to read I also needed to learn something.

I may loose a little bit of sleep, but I do enjoy the early morning hours alone with a book before everything gets moving.

I even got Levi the audio version and he enjoyed it as well!
LOVED this one. It is about 12 women and their short life stories. Crazy Funny Interesting at the end the author does a summary and compares it to life today.
Definitely makes our problems and struggles seem....lame.

Inspiring and crazy to think this story wasn't that long ago! Women engineers and mathematicians for  NASA .. unknown stories of who they really were. Hard Read at least for me. Lots of mathematical language.

Quick Read and Imaginative/Fancy Like - About Cancer and the Emotional Roller Coaster for a Child 

This one was my pick as well - see the trend ....

Short and Hilarious
Current Read

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