Wednesday, March 29, 2017

PJs at the Library

 Most times, I don't go to events in the evening without Levi but I have been trying to step out of my comfort zone and do it more often. 
Mostly, because I am scared of the dark - really and I am ready to relax by bedtime or at least not socialize with strangers.

We went to PJs at the Library the other night. 

They enjoyed finger painting, story-time, snacks, and they got to leave one animal at the library for the week and get pictures of what they were doing while we were gone... 

Except Nephi he said he loved all his animals to much to leave them there for that long. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

Rodeo/Barrel Racing

This past weekend we took the kids to the local Rodeo grounds to watch horse barrel races. 
We LOVED it. 
It was so close to home that Levi ran back and packed us up a lunch so we could sit for a few more hours and enjoy the races. 

Coraline ended up falling asleep - but I have been giving her benedryl when we do horse lessons because she and Levi both are having bad allergies.

Clairana was in love with being there and seeing all the riders with lots of bling on.
Dear Mr. Evans this horse riding adventure is going to be expensive. Period. Good Luck.
We promise to look super cute while riding though! 

We are true Arizonians now or maybe Lake Havasuers we have our own sun block. 

Cabella is now clapping and loved the horses too.

Swimming Lessons - Everyone in the Pool!

For the month of March we have been doing swimming lessons Mondays and Wednesdays at the aquatic center. 
Clairana and Nephi have excelled to the top class - which is for kids 7-9 or older. 
I feel very confident that they can swim in lots of pools this year! 

While they do their lessons Levi and I take the little girls to 'calm swim' lots of hecticness of 
wet bodies and sleepy littles afterwards. 

Our class ends at 8:00 which is great because Levi can almost always make it but it makes for a late night for this mama.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Farm is Growing!

Our little farm in Indiana is growing! 
Thanks to the wonderful family that is watching over our three little goats - 
Rue, Calcium and Echo.... 
We now have a set of twin bucks and a single buck. Both mamas did amazing and needed no assistance! 
They are Nigerian dwarfs and normally with dwarfs they have trouble with delivery and need help. 
Look how cute!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Spring Break....Sorta

It is Spring Break here - meaning we have LOTS of crazy half naked Spring Breakers running around and we get to have lots of fun with all our school friends. 
We are on light homeschooling this week but I never really take full time off mostly because its hard to get back to routine and they know no different.

Levi has been working crazy hours as usual but the weather is amazing here and we have been playing all day. 

FREE Cheeseburgers at In and Out for doing the Reading Club at the Library

Bella Lou and Mama - I got this necklace as a gift from my SIL and it is amazing - its a baby necklace and Bella loves it.

We got FREE ice-cream at Dairy Queen!

Lake Day with Friends

This place is definitively a pretty one in the Spring!

Friday, March 17, 2017

More Piano

Piano is Coming Along

Horse Lessons

Hiking while Clairana gets her horse ready to ride....we switched to Saturdays with the hope that Levi can go more often! 

My Sweet Sweet Ones..

Coraline has no fear - anything Nephi can do she can too. Period.

Nephi cleaning shoes

Coraline bareback riding to work on balance

Indiana Trip!

Clairana left this for me in my book that I was taking on my trip. "I'm goeong to mis yo" with a little girl with tears...
So Sweet.

At the beginning of the month, Levi had a work meeting in Indiana and Cabella and I decided to tag along. We flew Levi's mom out from Washington to stay with the older three. 
It was fast and fun and emotional. 
We really wanted to go home together to pray and decide if this is where we want to raise our family forever. 
We decided. 
We have lived lots of beautiful places and although Indiana is not the most beautiful it has the most important ...most all our family and our best friends who we grew up with are there.

Got to see my Besties! Amanda & Brandy

Ms. Maggie - We headed out to West Point to see Elliot and Maggie and their new little boy!

Almost all my heart in one picture - I love my little Ashby family. So many girls! Seeing Ensley really made us homesick and wished Coraline was with us to enjoy toddler time together.

Levi wanted to take some pictures at our favorite spot. We went out to see Aunt Woody and Greg and then take a hike around.

Aunt Woody and Uncle Greg with Bella Lou

Family Photo Too!

First Airplane Ride!

We Landed back in Vegas!

Heading Home to see my favorite Buddies!

All is right in the world again....Minus Beastie who was sleeping.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Valentine's Day

We made these treats for the elderly home we visit often. As always it was great for everyone. 
We came home and got a very sweet secret surprise.  We got balloons for all four of the littles with bubbles attached. It brought them so much joy and the idea that it was a secret made it even more magical.