Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Our Weekend - Backyard Clean Up

This weekend we got home after dinner out on Friday night and didn't leave again until Sunday for church. It was great.
The weather was a little chilly on Saturday but we got out to work on our backyard.
We are all very anxious to get our backyard fenced in and set up for the summer.
We also have to have a place to put our growing chickens!
For Clairana's 2nd birthday we asked that everyone donate to a swing set for her birthday and everyone keeps asking where it is at....It is currently at my parent's house but we are hoping to bring it over to our house this summer once we have the space cleared so they can use it everyday - especially because I will be home!

Steak & Shake for dinner on Friday -

Saturday Morning planting!

Have you ever planted tiny seeds with toddlers!?
Yes, it was a challenge.

They have already started to bloom. For Christmas I got over 217 different types of seeds from Levi's mom and sister.
Our garden is going to be awesome!

Pulling down trees!

Yard Work!

Her Sunflower Seeds are Growing

Dinner with Aunt Woody on Saturday Night

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