Thursday, April 10, 2014

Social Life

This past weekend we were busy being social butterflies!

Friday Night was DATE NIGHT! We went out with Elliot & Maggie for Thai food which was great! Thanks to Tifni & Josh our little ones got to hang out with their cousins!

Saturday we stayed home and worked on our backyard, then we had our parents over for dinner around the campfire.

We have our ULTRASOUND scheduled for NUMBER THREE on Tuesday so we will keep everyone posted on the news!

River was UP this weekend!

Because Clairana likes to take pretty pictures now.....
Got our chickens out to PLAY in the basement.
Don't mind the old carpet we pulled up from the Master bedroom.

Smores with Reni & Kelly

Grandma Brigham & Reni

Grandpa Brigham with Nephi and their NEW addition Daisy!!

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