Monday, September 10, 2012

Nephi - 9 mths

I see you!!!
Where has our baby gone?
This little guy is growing up and almost crawling. He has two teeth, loves to eat out of pouches but no baby food jars or not really any solids - does not enjoy texture.
He is always smiling with his level smile and pretty quiet.
 He does enjoy sleeping in our bed at night (naps in crib) and wakes up about one or two times a night.
He moves his arms and legs all over the place when he gets excited and hums when he is tired - actually the same sound that Clair used to make.
Favorite Food - Squash
Least Favorite Food - Fruit
As of today, he is no longer breastfed but has switched to formula, kind of a sad day but between him eating more food and those two sharp teeth it was meant to be.
Loves his sister no matter what she is doing to him as long as he is getting her attention.

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