Thursday, September 13, 2012

Last week as a Stay at Home Mom

This week has flown by...
On Monday, we got to watch Mr. Liam (Dustin's son)

The weather has been SO nice we actually have been hitting up the parks all week.
 I am really excited about what is to come but I will also be very sad to leave these two faces on Monday.
We are also MOVING into our own place this week which has made the last week really fly by because I try and go to the apartment at least once a day with the kids.
We will now be at Williamsburg on the Wabash.
We lived in this apartment complex when we were in college and thought we might as well go back while we decide where/when to build our house and it is a mile from my work/Levi's work/daycare/preschool sooo we thought it would be perfect for a year or two.

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