Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Solar Eclipse!

Yesterday, we headed down to Lebanon to see the solar eclipse with some of our co-op friends. The traffic going down was not bad but going home was a little longer. 

I had been studying the eclipse with the oldest class at co-op the past few weeks so it was fun to name out the stages and know what was coming next. 

It was better than I thought it would be. Very reverent and spiritual. Everyone clapped when it went dark and then it was quiet until it got brighter again. No birds in sight. The park was a great place - it was crowded but we had plenty of space and the kids could play while we waited. Thankfully, Joy got to the park really early and saved us a great spot. 

 Levi even had his job sites shut down so we went together.

 Mrs. Elliott brought crafts for the kids and brought a colander to show the shadows. 



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