Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Easter! We started with the traditional baskets in the morning, church, egg hunt after church, then we headed to mom and Randy's for their egg hunt. 

 Golf cart rides!

Uncle Dustin giving rides on the golf cart.
Clairana did mom's hair.

Little golf practice with Uncle Dustin 

 Carrine with Lotte

 Uncle Nick and Aunt Emily with the crew!

Kelly and Reni switched times and came to church with us.

Primary kids sang!
 Clairana and I sang in a mother/daughter choir. It was actually my first time singing on the stand. 

 Bonnie took this off the live stream she was watching.

 Everyone wanted a picture with the baby.

 The Evans' Crew. 

 Look at her eyes. Excitement over new toys and a hairbrush for that tiny head. 

Kelly and Reni came over dinner and played games with the kids to round out the eventful day.


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