Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Choir Concert Magic.

We made wreaths and dropped them off to all the instructors before the concert. 
I didn't get a full picture just Coraline tying the bows at the store. 

Loads of friends and family came to watch. I joked to Levi that it felt like stake conference with so many church families there. 
Sweet girls having so much fun afterwards. 
Piper, Coraline, & Lydia

 Nephi & Jeremy

 Angie, Stan, and Abbi came too! Angie and Stan actually were married in the same church. So I guess I walked down the aisle there too on their wedding day and had no idea. Small world. 

 Coraline is turning into a big kid this year. This was her first real experience of being dropped off for practice without a parent. 


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