Thursday, December 7, 2023

Around the BUSY House!

Elfy is back and brought his kids this year! 

 Cecily is changing Lotte's diaper. It is crazy that everyone in the house can change her! 

 We made gingerbread cookies to hang on the tree this year.

The sweetest little thing at co-op! 
I brought a stroller connected to her car seat this week and it was amazing! Baby products have come a long way in just the five years we have been out of this lifestyle.
Pictures that Nephi tried to delete off my phone, but Bella took and saved them. 

 Gingerbread making. 

 New puppies on the farm! SIX this time.

 Bella's chalkboard drawing

This is what life looks like right now. A couple games of battleship on the floor by the fire.
 Coraline is living her best life. She LOVES Charlotte.

Letters to Santa.
 Biggest sister helping.

 Roller Skating in the house kind of day. 

 Cecily sleeping on the floor next to my bed ......

 And this one in my bed.....

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