Thursday, November 2, 2023

Cecily is FIVE!

Cecily is the big FIVE.
She has been anxiously awaiting her birthday for weeks.
Favorite animal - dinosaurs 
Favorite food - berries
Favorite thing to do - ride bikes and hold the baby

We had a handful of visitors, carved pumpkins, and we venture to Pizza King for lunch which was our first attempt at going out with all six. Levi and I got her a handful of clothes and dinosaur gifts which she was so excited about - robe and slippers were the hit. 

She loves the train and has asked for months to go on her day. It went fine and Charlotte slept the whole time, but it certainly wore me out. 

Cake made and delivered by her amazing Primary teachers Brother & Sister Allen. 


Big Lemonades for all! They even got their own booth and Cecily and Bella went between both.

 Learning how to put in the quarter to start the TV. 

 Oldest and Youngest. Caught cracking up laughing. 

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