Friday, October 27, 2023

Wedding Time!

My cousin, Tori, and her husband Wilson had their wedding reception at our place! Loads of fun and camping for some. 
LOADS of GIRL COUSINS! It is so funny to me because we grew up with all boys for such a long time on the Wallace side. 

 Brittany came from Tennessee. It was so fun to catch up with her. She is just so sweet. 

They had a sweet newspaper put together. 


 40 weeks pregnant! Trying to make everything as perfect as we can! Levi was such a great sport and worked tirelessly on the property. 

 Reagan and Cecily socializing with everyone


Gator Rides!
 Nephi playing ball with Kreed! 

 Clairana drew on the porta potty after it was painted.

 Memories for the bride - late night stuffing her face with the left over food before returning back to the party. 


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