Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Charlotte Mae Has Arrived!

We went in on Thursday, October 12th for an inversion - basically they lay you back in the hospital bed and put loads of gel on your belly and try to push the baby in the right position. After a few attempts her heartrate started to drop and they decided it was best to call it. Dr. Wallace told me I must have a high pain tolerance so it was good to hear I must have at least given it a good try. 

 First bath! 

This meant that she would be born caesarean. I have never had one before so the whole experience made me very nervous. 
After a short time they gave Levi the standard outfit and wheeled me off to the operating room. It was cold and bright and very sterile feeling. Everyone was very kind. I did not say much but tears just rolled down my face. Levi would wait outside until after they gave me the spinal and prepared the room. 
Dr. Wallace and her team were wonderful. The anesthesiologist, Dan, had such a calming monotone voice and explained what was happening which was very nice. 
Within a short time of using my pattern breathing that I typically do during labor she was held above the sheet for us to see. It was mind blowing really how to have a baby without any labor or pushing. 
She was here. When she raised her up to show us she said - "well this is why she didn't want to move" or something to that effect. She had the cord all wrapped up and she was holding on to it. 

She was reviewed by the NICU who had to work on getting fluid out of her lungs but then was released to Levi. I was stitched up for what felt like forever and we were taken back to recovery. 

The aftermath has been rough but as always birth is so worth it. She is wonderful and although she never sleeps at night we are all smitten by our new blessing. Who would have thought we would have been blessed to have six. 

As Levi reminded me weeks ago, maybe this is the way she is supposed to be born so you know all different levels of birth for all these daughters. 

If I could choose I would by far choose to have a natural birth, but I am so thankful for modern medicine and for the blessing to have a caesarean and have her here and both of us safe. 

We have had loads of help which has been amazing! We had a food calendar put together by a girlfriend that has dinners coming and the Goodsell family loved on our whole crew while we were at the hospital. 

Aunt Woody and Papaw watched the kids on the wee hours of the morning of Thursday while we were deciding if the inversion would work. 

Mamaw Jane took me to my follow up appointment - not being able to drive for a couple weeks has been a change. 

Sister Miller took the kids to choir practice. 

Life went on so smoothly during the healing process. I am still at home for another couple days and right now I can't imagine really driving or trying to wrangle Cecily. I didn't realize how slow I was walking until I went to do farm chores with Levi and I felt like he was running. 

 Cecily with Sonnet. They were singing Primary songs and reading scriptures before bed. 

 Plus a little wrestling time!



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