Monday, September 11, 2023

Kitchen Demo

  Our oven has been giving us trouble for about two years now, but we seem to be able to purchase small parts and keep using it...until this past week. Nephi and I have gotten pretty good at switching out the parts but this time we went to switch out a part and we couldn't get the stove to turn off. So after switching the breaker we called it quits. 

We took a little over a week to figure out what type of stove we would like to buy. We always wanted to switch to gas but that involves a bit more effort and money. 
But we ended up doing it. We found a used gas stove and decided to take out the two small walls in the kitchen/dining room area out to place the new stove in an island. 
We have the stove in and working now, but no island just yet. I am sure it will be amazing once we get everything settled. More pictures to come. 

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