Monday, September 18, 2023


Coraline turned NINE. It is crazy to think that this child changed our life structure so much. You typically expect lots of changes with the first born but when Coraline was born I was able to finally stay home. The idea of staying home quickly led to homeschooling because I didn't want to miss any more time with Clairana and Nephi.

For her birthday she requested a trip to the indoor playground, fancy lunch with dad, fabric shopping to redo her reading nook, kayaking, family time, tacos for dinner, and ice cream cones for dessert. 

Favorite things:
Food - Salmon
Treat - Reeses 
Animal - Cats
Hobby - Playing with Siblings


 Cards and Money 

 Fabric shopping for her room!

 Lunch photos - Uncommon Pizza

 Morning gifts from siblings - Clairana made her a night mask. 

 Books, Balloons, jewelry....


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