Thursday, September 21, 2023

Number Six Update

Started my weekly stress test at the hospital. 
This little lady has me in all sorts of appointments - chiropractor, acupuncturist, midwife, doctor, and now stress testing. 
Getting to the end. 
She is breech so we are still attempting to get her to turn. I will schedule a ECV next week. This is an external cephalic version which is a procedure to attempt to turn her from the outside. It is performed in the hospital with hopes to avoid a caesarean. At this point, she will need to do a full forward flip to be in the right position. If she does not turn this way, we will be scheduled for a cesarean the first week in October. 


Soccer Saturdays

The other girls stayed home last week, so it was a Coraline date day. Levi ended up coaching because the Goodsell family had a tragic loss in their family. 
One more week to go!


Spanish Night

This past week the Spanish branch put on a fundraiser night of amazing food and entertainment - they are raising money for their youth to go on a trip to Nauvoo. 
We ended up going home with two desserts because Clairana has officially learned how to participate in an auction.

We all had a great time and they had pinatas full of authentic candy. 
Several songs and dances that have been shared for years - such a great learning experience. 


Dance of the Little Old Man - Danza de los Viejitos
Region - Michoacan

Reni came to sit with us for the evening.


Cabeza de Cochina - the hog head represents wealth and health for the family that is giving the offering. 
Region - Yucatan

They also performed a song called La Llorona 
Region - Veracruz
This song is deeply rooted in Mexican culture. It is about an Indigenous woman who murdered her own children, which she bore from a wealthy Spaniard, after he abandoned her. Her story is told to children to encourage them not to wander off in the dark and near bodies of water such as rivers and lakes alone.


Co-op with Bubbe and Pappy

This past co-op Reni and Kelly came to help out in the afternoon while the older children had class. It was Reni's birthday, so we had the kids sing to her and she brought cupcakes for everyone. 

It is very nice to have them come volunteer their time to make the daycare cost less expensive for the families. 


Monday, September 18, 2023


Coraline turned NINE. It is crazy to think that this child changed our life structure so much. You typically expect lots of changes with the first born but when Coraline was born I was able to finally stay home. The idea of staying home quickly led to homeschooling because I didn't want to miss any more time with Clairana and Nephi.

For her birthday she requested a trip to the indoor playground, fancy lunch with dad, fabric shopping to redo her reading nook, kayaking, family time, tacos for dinner, and ice cream cones for dessert. 

Favorite things:
Food - Salmon
Treat - Reeses 
Animal - Cats
Hobby - Playing with Siblings


 Cards and Money 

 Fabric shopping for her room!

 Lunch photos - Uncommon Pizza

 Morning gifts from siblings - Clairana made her a night mask. 

 Books, Balloons, jewelry....


Saturday, September 16, 2023

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Honey Harvest!

We did our yearly harvest with Chris and his family! 
His mom made the kids a casserole that had 'earthworms' - here she is trying to convince them to try it.
Loads of bees this year. 

 Mamaw and Papaw came to watch the event. 


Accident Number Two.

This year has been a mess with vehicles. I was in another accident - luckily I was by myself and frankly after the Volvo crash it was nothing. 
I was just leaving the chiropractor's office trying to get adjusted for this breech baby. 

I pulled out into the parking lot and a teenager was whipping around to do a U-turn because she went down the wrong road and just smashed me.

The only true bummer is all the paperwork - again. We haven't even gotten through all the paperwork from May at this point. 

I will say it was nice to be able to drive my own vehicle home afterwards. For now I will just look a little rough on the road. 


Conner Prairie Field Trip

 Yesterday was homeschool day at Conner Prairie which means the price to get in was about $20 less per person! We had such a great time and stayed until we were all completely exhausted. Lots of co-op friends and other homeschool friends. Not pictures of everyone because with toddlers some ended up at different paces or first timers stayed in places longer than others. 

They no longer offer the kids the wooden guns, but I did ask if they could march with the kids like they used to and thankfully they did. 

 Animal Demostrations

 Clairana enjoyed this part so much. 

 Mrs. Weaver teaching Nephi how to play a pioneer game.

 Some of the group - the last standing ones!

 We ended with ice cream before the journey home. I needed a few minutes to sit - 36 weeks and walking all day wore me out!