Saturday, December 23, 2023

Aunt Woody & Grandma Moni Visit

Aunt Woody came to visit and take Nephi to lunch and shopping for his birthday!
Lotte with Aunt Woody

Then Grandma Moni came with Christmas gifts! Legos for all!

 Cecily was so excited to be a big kid and have a set.

How I spend most mornings theses days. Everyone LOVES Charlotte.
 Nephi and Jeremy at church. They don't have class together right now because their birthdays are separated by the year even though its only a couple months apart. BUT come January they will be together in Young Mens. They are both really excited. 

Cabella, Miriam, and Coraline - at a baptism for a girl in Primary.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Around the House

 Snowflake making

 We had a good friend pass away so we wrote cards.

How did we get so blessed with all those stockings?!

I went to mama book club this past week and my sweet mama friend snapped this photo in the very late night hours. I love this tradition. Over the years, we have all rotated bringing a tiny one with us to discuss our monthly book. Late nights full of laughter and love. 


Ashby Christmas & Nephi Prebirthday

We had our yearly bowling outing with the Ashby family. 
We went to a new bowling alley instead Malibu Jacks so the kids got to ride go carts too.
Then we went back to our house for pizza and treats. 

Aunt Emily managing everyone.
 Levi with Kreed


Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday Events

Church hosted a Grateful Night, and the kids all sang. 

Clairana drew this to put on display.

Clairana and Nephi 
Coraline and Cabella

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Choir Concert Magic.

We made wreaths and dropped them off to all the instructors before the concert. 
I didn't get a full picture just Coraline tying the bows at the store. 

Loads of friends and family came to watch. I joked to Levi that it felt like stake conference with so many church families there. 
Sweet girls having so much fun afterwards. 
Piper, Coraline, & Lydia

 Nephi & Jeremy

 Angie, Stan, and Abbi came too! Angie and Stan actually were married in the same church. So I guess I walked down the aisle there too on their wedding day and had no idea. Small world. 

 Coraline is turning into a big kid this year. This was her first real experience of being dropped off for practice without a parent.