Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Lafayette Classical Academy

 Where to start. I spent my summer jumping. I opened up a non-profit for our co-op and now am official. This all started with the journey of needing to find a new building and ended with a business license and an insurance policy. 

It is was long and hard but after several phone calls, interviews, dinner, meetings….we will move the co-op to Sunrise Christian Church. I am so thankful. When we first went to visit I told Levi there is no way the building is huge and beautiful. But it happened. I hope to stay and grow there for many years. 

In the process of becoming a business the name changed as well - I wanted people to know it was a classical co-op. There is another classical co-op in town that has been full for many years so it does feel like a need for the community. The other community has been a huge blessing to us. Showing us the way. Although they offered to give us their waitlist we are staying to the families we have for now. Maybe next year we can grow by a couple more. 

Within the co-op  a parent must participate in the leading but no funds are exchanged. Homeschooling can be expensive and I wanted to eliminate that as well as having several parents show their passion through teaching a class they are passionate about and not feel obligated to teach all day. 

Lafayette Classical Academy - Gather Together and Learn in Him. 

I can’t wait for another year. 

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