Saturday, June 4, 2022


This sweet spirit mama passed aways this week. 
I met Tyra a couple years ago when they were what I thought the new young couple to move into our ward (I later found out most knew them already.) 
She attended Purdue med school and I will always remember her talking about babies and loving on our little people during church. She was so sweet and kind. Truly. 
I remember them sitting beside us in the pew one Sunday loving on our kids and Levi leaned over and said maybe you found someone you trust to watch the kids so we can go on a date. 
If you know me that is a big suggestion especially years ago... my overprotectiveness has calmed over the years. 
She was driving with her little ones and was in a car accident that took her life and their youngest is in the hospital. The 3-year-old was unharmed. 

This life is hard. 
I am off to squeeze my people a little longer and keep her husband and children in my heart and prayers. 


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Nephi Camp

I didn't get any pictures from Nephi's camp this summer but I did see these on the bulletin board in the hallway this week at church...