Friday, June 17, 2022

Clairana is 12!!

I cannot believe it. 
This little lady is 12. 
12 years ago, I jumped into motherhood with a tiny little peanut that turned me into one of those hippy moms who doesn't birth at the hospital. I remember switching from a doctor to a midwife at 30 weeks and never looking back. My water broke in the mailroom at work, and I headed home. 
She was the beginning of all my overdue babies. 

She has grown so much this past year and it is wonderful to witness.
She has turned into a farm/hippy girl who is just the kindest soul. She is such a great helper. 
She loves to read and despises math (and showers) - which my mom can attest that I was just like that.
She will do ANY farm chore and has helped deliver and even bury lots of animals.
She is always there to help butcher. 
I will always be thankful that I chose to homeschool. Time goes by too fast. 
I enjoy getting to be with her every day. 
I enjoy that she still has her innocence and a sense of shelter from this world. 

For her birthday she requested to visit the used bookstore downtown and visit the farmer's market. 
She ended up with handful of books, candle, and this amazing treat. 

Then she requested Red Lobster for dinner. I invited my dad and Linda to meet us for dinner which was a fun addition. Linda is just the sweetest and was raised on a farm with several siblings - most she still lives next to! They ended up treating us all to dinner which was such a wonderful surprise. 

Then we came home and showed them around the garden and farm. After they left, we washed up and were about to get ready for bed when I suggested we go to Dairy Queen in our pajamas to round out the celebration. 

The day after her birthday we headed to camp so I don't know what could have been a better birthday treat than spending several days with some of your closest friends and new faces to meet. 


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