Friday, June 17, 2022

Girls Camp!

Clairana and I went to girl's camp!
 I was asked to be the head cook for around 120 people. 
They did lots of fun activities including hikes, crafts, games, lake day, bishop's night, dance party, faith walk....

The theme was Born to Wear a Crown. 

 Coleman girls (Camp Director)

 Hayman Girls

Levi came one evening to lead a devotional and play games with the girls. 

Walmart run in our camp get up!

Teresa Miskin was the camp nurse and made gluten free meals for the 4 girls who needed it. I was so thankful not to make them. 

Each cot had the girl's lanyards, shirts, and bandanas for when they arrived. 

 They slept in 'families' and not wards this way they got to know others but still had a mix of familiar faces. 

 Dance Party Night.

My Assistant Cooks staying up way to late being silly. 

Marcy Manor where we ate together.

 The leaders did a faith walk one night that was so sweet. The girls would hear a short story from each leader and then reverently walk to the next location. 


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Nephi Camp

I didn't get any pictures from Nephi's camp this summer but I did see these on the bulletin board in the hallway this week at church...