Friday, June 17, 2022

Clairana is 12!!

I cannot believe it. 
This little lady is 12. 
12 years ago, I jumped into motherhood with a tiny little peanut that turned me into one of those hippy moms who doesn't birth at the hospital. I remember switching from a doctor to a midwife at 30 weeks and never looking back. My water broke in the mailroom at work, and I headed home. 
She was the beginning of all my overdue babies. 

She has grown so much this past year and it is wonderful to witness.
She has turned into a farm/hippy girl who is just the kindest soul. She is such a great helper. 
She loves to read and despises math (and showers) - which my mom can attest that I was just like that.
She will do ANY farm chore and has helped deliver and even bury lots of animals.
She is always there to help butcher. 
I will always be thankful that I chose to homeschool. Time goes by too fast. 
I enjoy getting to be with her every day. 
I enjoy that she still has her innocence and a sense of shelter from this world. 

For her birthday she requested to visit the used bookstore downtown and visit the farmer's market. 
She ended up with handful of books, candle, and this amazing treat. 

Then she requested Red Lobster for dinner. I invited my dad and Linda to meet us for dinner which was a fun addition. Linda is just the sweetest and was raised on a farm with several siblings - most she still lives next to! They ended up treating us all to dinner which was such a wonderful surprise. 

Then we came home and showed them around the garden and farm. After they left, we washed up and were about to get ready for bed when I suggested we go to Dairy Queen in our pajamas to round out the celebration. 

The day after her birthday we headed to camp so I don't know what could have been a better birthday treat than spending several days with some of your closest friends and new faces to meet. 


Lots of goodness


 Dragon Fly Love

 Mayley made this for our family. 

Bailing Hay Time! 

I took everyone for a small walk around the Fairfield lakes by our house. I was overwhelmed with girl's camp prep and needed a break. 

 We get to have a small addition in our home two days a week right now. Tatum is magical. She really loves watching the kids. 

Girls Camp!

Clairana and I went to girl's camp!
 I was asked to be the head cook for around 120 people. 
They did lots of fun activities including hikes, crafts, games, lake day, bishop's night, dance party, faith walk....

The theme was Born to Wear a Crown. 

 Coleman girls (Camp Director)

 Hayman Girls

Levi came one evening to lead a devotional and play games with the girls. 

Walmart run in our camp get up!

Teresa Miskin was the camp nurse and made gluten free meals for the 4 girls who needed it. I was so thankful not to make them. 

Each cot had the girl's lanyards, shirts, and bandanas for when they arrived. 

 They slept in 'families' and not wards this way they got to know others but still had a mix of familiar faces. 

 Dance Party Night.

My Assistant Cooks staying up way to late being silly. 

Marcy Manor where we ate together.

 The leaders did a faith walk one night that was so sweet. The girls would hear a short story from each leader and then reverently walk to the next location. 


Saturday, June 4, 2022


This sweet spirit mama passed aways this week. 
I met Tyra a couple years ago when they were what I thought the new young couple to move into our ward (I later found out most knew them already.) 
She attended Purdue med school and I will always remember her talking about babies and loving on our little people during church. She was so sweet and kind. Truly. 
I remember them sitting beside us in the pew one Sunday loving on our kids and Levi leaned over and said maybe you found someone you trust to watch the kids so we can go on a date. 
If you know me that is a big suggestion especially years ago... my overprotectiveness has calmed over the years. 
She was driving with her little ones and was in a car accident that took her life and their youngest is in the hospital. The 3-year-old was unharmed. 

This life is hard. 
I am off to squeeze my people a little longer and keep her husband and children in my heart and prayers. 


Friday, June 3, 2022

Cousin Abbi Visit

Cousin Abbi came over to hang out for the evening. We went over to Jack and Jane's pond for a swim and hotdog roast. We were completely spoiled with food and smores. 


Book Club!

The Westing Game - Book Club!

This may have been our very first mystery book. Anne hosted at the park, and we set up chess for the kids to play. Clairana and Nephi have just started learning to play so this was such a fun treat. Monica was so patient in helping them understand. Now they want to play all the time. 

Sunset Towers is a new apartment building on Lake Michigan, north of Milwaukee and just down the shore from the mansion owned by reclusive self-made millionaire Samuel W. Westing. (Despite its name, Sunset Towers faces east – into the sunrise.) Sam Westing was a wealthy businessman who made his fortune in paper products. He was very patriotic and never smoked, drank, or gambled.

As the story opens, Barney Northrup is selling apartments to a carefully selected group of tenants. He claims that chess is not allowed in the building. After Sam Westing dies, at the beginning of the book, it emerges that most of the tenants are named as heirs in Westing’s will. The will is structured like a puzzle, with the 16 heirs challenged to find the solution. Each of the eight pairs, assigned seemingly at random, is given $10,000 cash and a different set of baffling clues. The pair that solves the mystery will inherit Westing’s entire $200 million fortune and control of his company.

Even the mamas joined in on the fun.

I brought popsicles which I thought would be fun until the morning was cold and raining. Oh well the toddlers were entertained.