Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Martell Park

We found a new beautiful park! It is in West Lafayette, and I stumbled upon it when Anne mentioned a class they were having there. We didn't end up taking the class because it was full, but I called the landowner and asked if our adventure group of mamas and littles could come for the day to enjoy. 
It is like a hidden treasure of trails, creek. ponds, bridges.....

Such a fun time and the weather was nice seems it had been a messy downpour the day before.
We had a picnic lunch and played for hours.

Lyla and Bella

Lauren with Joel, Me and Millie 
(Anne always takes the pictures and I am so thankful)


Big Kids...Who keep getting Bigger.

 Anne was super nice and let my crazy toddler push her stroller. Anne is expecting number seven in a couple months!

 B with Sonnet! Big Sister Moves.


Oh that's just Bella exploring.....


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Nephi Camp

I didn't get any pictures from Nephi's camp this summer but I did see these on the bulletin board in the hallway this week at church...