Saturday, April 9, 2022


This is the only picture I took of our night. 
We went with a few other 4H families and laid mulch and planted flowers at two houses. 
Both are also homeschooling families. 
One lost their teenager in a car wreck. 
One lost their mother in December to Covid. 
It made us think so much of our Bell family. 
Levi went up to the dad to discuss the plan of landscaping and later that night he said he didn't know what to say because his eyes just looked hollow. 
Just like Ashli's. 

After we left that service project we stopped by the Connolly's house because they had bags of mulch laid out on their lawn and I thought why not we are already dirty. We spread their mulch out until they busted us and pulled up in the driveway. They were very sweet and thankful. 
We were very dirty as it was raining. We headed to Meijers to buy ironically laundry detergent and I joked to Levi this is the best commercial. 
Too many dirty kids with dirty parents carrying out laundry detergent from the store. 


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New Adventure

Levi came home with this last week which as you can imagine everyone even Zona was excited to try it out. Now for warmer weather!