Friday, April 29, 2022

Strawberry Girl Book Club

Ten-year-old Birdie Boyer can hardly wait to start picking them. But her family has just moved to the Florida backwoods, and they haven′t even begun their planting. "Don′t count your biddies ′fore they′re hatched, gal young un!" her father tells her.

Making the new farm prosper is not easy. There is heat to suffer through, and droughts, and cold snaps. And, perhaps most worrisome of all for the Boyers, there are rowdy neighbors, just itching to start a feud.

Denae hosted at her house - we commented on how big we have become for houses. 
All the littles are getting bigger and we keep adding new tiny members! 
Sonnet's first time! 

 Strawberry Craft Time!

Lyla and Coraline

Bella, Joel, Coraline, and Lyla

 Plus Cecily!

 How cute is this picture Anne took! Brighten with Millie and Sonnet.

Monica with Sonnet

Denae with Sonnet and Cecily.

Emma, Libby and Claire.

We had loads of food that went along with the book! Chicken. Strawberries. Cornbread. Veggies. 
I brought donuts because it was the first day that Mary Lou's on the east side was open. 


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Egg Dying

Just kidding we colored them on the spinner. Best Invention Ever. 
No Mess and they look so much neater. 
Why didn't we think of this? 

 Look how magical! The kids did all of these by themselves which is wonderful to me! We all agreed that Bella's first one was the best of the bunch.

 We color eggs partially naked in this house.

 And also in random Christmas pajamas because I can't live up to social media. 


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Martell Park

We found a new beautiful park! It is in West Lafayette, and I stumbled upon it when Anne mentioned a class they were having there. We didn't end up taking the class because it was full, but I called the landowner and asked if our adventure group of mamas and littles could come for the day to enjoy. 
It is like a hidden treasure of trails, creek. ponds, bridges.....

Such a fun time and the weather was nice seems it had been a messy downpour the day before.
We had a picnic lunch and played for hours.

Lyla and Bella

Lauren with Joel, Me and Millie 
(Anne always takes the pictures and I am so thankful)


Big Kids...Who keep getting Bigger.

 Anne was super nice and let my crazy toddler push her stroller. Anne is expecting number seven in a couple months!

 B with Sonnet! Big Sister Moves.


Oh that's just Bella exploring.....


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

My book log.

I finished this book a couple weeks ago; it was about the life of Joy Davidman who became C.S. Lewis' wife later in her life. She brought two boys to their marriage that have since carried on their legacy. 
It was full of emotion and tense discussion. I enjoyed getting to see a different perspective of their life. 
I never knew so much about Joy or had the desire to know more until this book. 
She was a poet and writer herself and some say she was a child prodigy. 
She graduated with a master's from Columbia University at the age of 20 in 1935.


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Pig Life

Molly is our last Kune Kune on the farm right now. We have sold or butchered everyone else. She currently is a free-range pig and sleeps in the hay barn. 
She may be pregnant so we may start the journey over or just enjoy her for a while.


Friday, April 22, 2022

Youth Night at Church

Clairana and the young men and women had a fundraiser night to raise money for a trip they are going on this summer. Dinner was provided and served by them which was so cute, and desserts were auctioned off. 
Levi got to do a skit to Bruno with the other bishopric members.
Clairana played the clarinet with another girl.
Then they had a lip sync dance off between the boys and girls. They each chose each other's song earlier in the month. 

Mom and Randy came to support C and spend the evening with us which was so nice.
Hopefully more pictures to come from Levi's phone. 

The Worster family came to join us for the night! 

Kid Table. 

They also had a lip sync contest young women against young men. Girls Won!


Bishopric Youth Fundraiser Dance

This is part of the dance that the youth picked for the Bishopric to dance to on fundraiser night. So funny. 
Bishop (who is a radiation oncologist) is in the middle and Levi is the closest one in the video. 
It's a side view that one of the other sisters at the church sent to me. I was too busy living in the moment to record it.
I should note it does not include Levi's solo dance off.... I will keep looking for that additional gem.

Chicken Butchering

We did 38 chickens last week! 
It was a long day, but it is done. Everyone helped. 
We had another family come over to learn how the process is done. 
Clairana did three chickens from start to finish - hurray for another one with a knife to help butcher. 
Nephi cut wings and feet off most of the day as well as helped with the little girls. 
Levi made this amazing table which saved our backs this time. 
I learned that I may need a razor blade rather than a knife next time (won't get into those details)

Of course this is the expert that could butcher almost three to our one. 

 Clairana labeled hers.