Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Favorite book.

My yearly book has arrived! Well, the past few years it has now turned into two books. 
Blog Books 2021.

I try to pick my most impactful pictures for the covers and the backs. 
Vacation with the Bell family                       Levi & I  

Easter at Mom and Randy's House - I love this one because it is all the mamas with the kids and that rarely happens. 

My Aunt Kay who came to visit from California and bought us all shirts with our names on them. 
Her visit was super special. It was nice to spend so many days in a row with her and my dad. 

Getting quite the collection. I have to say I am pretty proud that I have kept this blog going and printed for twelve years now. 


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Nephi Camp

I didn't get any pictures from Nephi's camp this summer but I did see these on the bulletin board in the hallway this week at church...