Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Kelli did art this week and talked about French painter Henri Matisse. 
It was interesting and I hadn't studied him before. 
He was very sick during his life and ended up painting stain glass in a cathedral with the help of his nurse placing the pieces in just the right spots. 

The kids used scissors to create a Halloween scene.
We are on break this week and will go for another four weeks before breaking for Thanksgiving. 
I am so glad we went with the four week schedule it seems to be so easy to stay excited and not stressed.  

For Science we talked about the different types of leaves - Needle, Simple, Compound. I had the kids all bring in two leaves and we discussed what category they fit in. 
Then we did a game to see if we could identify which tree the leaves came from. 

Afternoons with Dennise.

The Sheets family did their family presentations this week. Carly thanked all of us for helping her on this new journey - she continues to work ten hours a week at an engineering firm but made the switch to homeschooling this past year. She ended with saying she was Indiana's Engineer of the Year and showed a picture of her award while holding their number four and how it was a bittersweet moment of how blessed their family is.  

Leaf Game. 


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