Saturday, October 30, 2021

Cecily’s Accident

On Saturday - 23rd we received a miracle in our house. 
After the loss of Tyrone our hearts and minds were in shock when Cecily fell 9 feet from the barn loft face first to concrete. 
When I picked her up off the floor she was limp - I watched helplessly from a distance and if I could turn back time I would have dove for her to land on me. I have seen all my children fall in some regard or even small concussions but this fall scared me beyond measure. 
She was unconscious for several hours in the ER which may have been a blessing as they were able to get lots of scans completed. 
No brain bleeding
No fractures 
We went home 6 hours later with our baby bear. 
I hope to never experience this part of motherhood again. 
She is doing so well and the swelling and bruising come down everyday.

I am so thankful that Levi was still home and had not headed to Arizona. We immediately took the whole family to the ER. A few hours later a dear friend from church came and got Coraline and Cabella. 
Clairana, Nephi and I had a special moment of prayer in the chapel that I hope to always remember. 

 Our picture when we heard the news of the scans. 
They were still trying to wake her up at this point so we were all still very anxious to hear from Levi. 


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