Friday, August 27, 2021

Wabash & Erie Canal Trip

Adventure Group! 
We have been meaning to fit in the Delphi Erie and Wabash canal but they have limited hours now and the boats aren't running. We did get to walk through the hands on museum, see the pioneer houses, and walk along the canal. We all had a great time even though it was super hot. 

The dress up area was the most loved part. 

These are edible and are called The Poor Man's Bean. Anne pointed them out on the trail and I used my fancy app to learn about them. I wonder if they are purple on the inside? 
Lyla with Cabella and Cecily

The Littlest Adventure Clubbers - at least for today. 

The group today! We were missing three families but it turned out to be a full house for the museum. Now that we all don't homeschool together it is so nice to have a set date to catch up once a month. 

Mayley with the girls. 


Gather & Learn Day!

This week we did memory work, art, and science in the morning. 
We rotate presentations and art each week. 
Kelli taught Michelangelo and the kids got to make personal banners with paints, stickers, markers, crayons and more.

One of our families was gone this week. 

Biology was about classifying so I brought in bags of things and we discussed how scientist name certain things and why.  

Nephi did his first paper presentation and did wonderful! 
This will be a hard year for him but I expect both of us to grow so much. 
It helps that Clairana and I have both taken this writing class before. 

Andon came to join us this week. He likes to sit in the back and make sure and tell us if the little kids go out of their room aka Cecily.

1st Presentation - The Lighthouse in Alexandria. 

Science Time.


Cecily and I discussing how much paint she needs under the table..... Clairana is under the table with Brighten and Liam. 

Adam drew a bicycle and a Trump sign on his banner.

 This is how we all feel at the end of the day! 


Thursday, August 26, 2021


This was our monthly book and it was the story of Benjamin West and his journey to become an artist in a Quaker home. 

We were going to swim in the creek but it is so much easier to watch all sorts of littles in the pond. Jack and Jane let us take over their pond for the morning. It was lovely. We got to pick out all the books for next year and the kids loved swimming together. 

We gathered all the book suggestions for the next year and had to decide on just 12! So Hard. 

Year 4 of bookclub!


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Fishing Night

Levi is hosting the young men from church at our house and so we needed to catch little fish for his bait. We went and spent the evening fishing and swimming with the grandparents.  

Coraline got the hang of taking the fish off the hook - it is amazing to me if you don't make something seem scary they are so much braver. 

All hands on deck when four little people have poles and catch fish constantly! 
So Fun! 

Best Photo of the Night. 


Gather & Learn

Our day finally came! Coop Day! 
I was all sorts of a mess but it turned out amazing and I feel so good about it. 
I love that each mama has a small part of the day to teach but we all get to be together as well.
Levi even treated everyone to fancy lunch which was a great blessing on the first day.  

Millie teaching Greek and Latin Roots and Grammar. 

One of the mamas had a birthday the first day so I found this mug and it made me so happy! Also, the fruit leathers say Gather too. 

Homeschooling Year 7!

Each week N & C will have three new vocab words that they will learn the roots to which will help them understand so much more on the ACT and SAT. 
This is me teaching Biology! We learned about the Classifications of Living Things and compared gummy worms to real worms and made worm farms to take home. 

Dennise taught the IEW writing portion of our day - she did amazing and has really dove into learning all the things. She has two boys - Adam and Luke. 

Biology Time!