Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Summer Fun!

We have spent the last few weeks enjoying being at home on our beautiful piece of paradise. 
In the summer this really is our favorite place to be. 

Clairana and Cecily - Crawdad/Crayfish

I was on the phone with my mom and looked out to see Clairana had swung Cecily to sleep while holding a chicken. 

We went swimming in the grandparents pond with the Kruger family!
The creek was moving too fast because of all the rain so we asked if we could invade the pond for the morning. Everyone had such a great time. 

Nephi walking with Baby Jane

The Mitchell family came over for a visit and of course everyone loved the new kittens. 
Nephi reading to Cecily.

Cecily now can get the guinea pigs out of their cage all by herself. Lucky us she got them out at bedtime last night and we had to hunt and find them. 

Playing in the creek for Adventure group with the Askeroth & Worster families!

Kari took her picture with me! She is such a treat. Mother of eight beautiful red headed littles...well some are big. 

Our newest addition coming soon! The Kruger family had two kittens at their house and before Levi brought home the two he found a couple weeks ago I had arranged for us to get this little lady. 

Our newest read aloud in the house. 


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