Saturday, June 19, 2021

More Summer Fun!

Once we were home from Racoon Lake, Levi had another camping trip planned. 
He went night fishing with Elliot and Damon and stayed to check lines in the morning. Levi was the only one to shoot a Carp in the Wabash of the boat. Unfortunately, some campers messed with their lines so they were all on shore when they checked them in the morning. He did have a great time getting away and enjoying time with his buddies. 

While he was away Mamaw and Papaw invited us over to swim in the pond and cook hotdogs over the fire. 

Papaw with Cecily and Clairana

First catch of the night. 

Everyone got to sleep on our floor while dad was away.

The Boys - Damon and Elliot with Lee. 


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