Saturday, June 19, 2021

 On Friday, I loaded up the kids to go see the goat show in another county. 
            I thought this would help us understand how it all works - it seems to be quite some effort. 

I asked Jack and Jane if they would like to join us even though we did have to leave early in the morning. They accepted which made the trip so much better. 

Then at the last minute Levi took time off work so we all went. 

That made it even better so I could have extra eyes on this crazy toddler we have now. 

We went to the goat show then walked around to see the other animals - it was in Williamsport so the competition was much smaller than Tippecanoe but it was nice to see how everything functioned and we learned lots. 

Then afterwards we headed to the Williamsport Falls because it was only a few minutes away. 

I was amazed the waterfall was gone and the creek/stream had dried up - we were just there! 

I was so glad we went a few weeks ago! 

Then we headed to a diner for lunch before coming home. 

It was such an unexpected fun day. 

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