Saturday, April 3, 2021

Trip with the Bell Family!

First Stop - Missouri 
We stayed on the Ozark lakes at a waterpark resort
Went hiking and visited Bridal Cave which was amazing
Next Stop - Oklahoma City 
We met Levi's sister, Ashli, and her family and stayed in an Airbnb for a few days together. 
We went to a botanical garden, parks, science museum - the weather wasn't the best but we managed to keep getting out.
The kids did a fantastic job on the drive. 

Icecream Treats!

St. Patrick's Day = Green Water 

Science Museum 

Random games together at our rental house.

We stopped for lunch on the way home and ate sandwiches at this antique graveyard. 

Of course we were there 20 minutes to eat and Nephi found a 4 leaf clover. 

Clairana was so proud of herself by rubbing the little girls heads and putting them to sleep. She wanted a picture to remember her accomplishment. 
Story Time before bed

Movie Night. 

Learning about Light at the Museum


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